Definedge Guidelines
Hello friends!
Thank you for being part of the Definedge Forum. As part of Definedge's core philosophy, let's keep it noiseless and seek mutual learning through fruitful, healthy discussion.
We need your support and cooperation to keep the discussions relevant.
Below are some guidelines for the forum:
- Avoid recommendations. This forum is not intended to share tips or recommendations. Please avoid it even if you are a registered analyst. The intention is to share studies with others.
- The focus should be on sharing studies - charts, data, and logic. The discussion should be about methods. Trading is about probability. The discussion of methods will help others understand the logic and principles behind systems.
- Good mornings, good evenings, birthday wishes, or other similar messages should be avoided.
- Avoid personal discussions or anything unrelated to the market.
- Please avoid sharing news. Everyone knows about them. Focus on sharing studies.
- Your suggestions and feedback are welcome, but please do not expect it to be a support forum. For customer care support, please contact Definedge helpdesk or email [email protected].
- Please avoid promoting your products on this forum.
- We do not tolerate personal attacks or name-calling. The use of non-parliamentary language is prohibited. Those members will be blocked. Any objections you have about anyone should be reported to Definedge members. We will take the necessary action.
We wish to keep it a healthy platform with fruitful discussion that benefits all members. Your support and co-operation in achieving that will be highly appreciated.