Ravi Shinde | DECMA'24 | NOV 9 & 10, 2024
Introducing our DECMA 2024 speaker - Ravi Shinde
His journey from a curious beginner to a full-time trader is a testament to perseverance and growth. In 2011, he jumped into options trading, hoping for quick profits. Instead, early losses hit him hard, and he stepped away from the market for nearly a decade. Then, he found renewed purpose through education. He discovered Renko charts and honed his skills. His methodical approach and focus on execution transformed him into a successful trader and he transitioned to full-time trading.
Today a successful trader, he strongly believes in the power of consistent learning and networking —trading can be lonely, but networking and sharing experiences can lead to growth and learning! As a speaker at DECMA24, he will share his insights on "Intraday Options Trading Strategy."
To see him Live, register now at - https://bit.ly/DECMAxForum