The width of scanned page is too long, so when while viewing the Eagle score or some other parameter on extreme right, the Script name is hidden on left side. This problem persist in many of the analysis on R zone. If possible please make the script name column fixed on left side, so we can visualize the score against the script name.
Sachchida Nand Gupta
Pro User
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Sorry market cap is 87 Cr only. D/E is 2.77. It is a penny stock, should be avoided. Retailers can be trapped.
As I recall, when you input first alphabet of any strategy it will prompt all strategies with that alphabet.
While reading the books on shelf, one needs highlighter or mark pen for future reference. It is easier to locate the highlighted texts later on. If possible please add this feature.
Please make a teaching video on harmonics
Is there any Independence day offer on Subscription of definedge products ?
Yes, please resume
Definedge products are indeed wonderful for analysis and learning. Thanks definedge team.
looking forward from you.
Dear Definedge team , If possibe please incorporate SMS or Whatsapp alerts for Forum new messages from Definedge stalwarts. Most of the messages are seen when opportunity has already missed.
Script name is hidden while scrolling the page to right side.
Shree Rama Multi Tech - Probable Bullish Anchor Follow Through
How to select public scanner for backtesting
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Independence day offer
Request to Resume Market Kya Lagta Hai
TradePoint and RZone
The Outperforming Bullish Sector for February can be...
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