As of today when we open a Renko chart, there is no way to know if a brick is confirmed(during previous interval close) or being repainted in the current interval.
This issue is happening because we are using the same color to show the confirmed bricks and repaint bricks.
Due to this one has to mentally keep a track of what was confirmed and what is in progress. It will be very helpful if we have a different color for bricks in progress(Repaint).
Im guessing this is fairly straight forward for the team to add, if we are repainting a brick, we know the brick that is being repainted, and hence can be given a different color.
Please consider this feature, in a real trading set up its very hard and tedius to keep a track of this mentally. I have tried other workarounds like adding a vertical bar at the brick I saw last time(as shown in the image). But it doesn't scale as I have to set an alarm every interval just to do this.