The same system when run on bullish momentum stocks of Define edge has produced results as Total Trades (30.37), Total % profitable (106.23), Avg Return per trade (3.5) Risk Reward( 2.18) Success Ratio (80.14) Expectancy (1.55).
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Thanks Sir for clarification. I have designed a system and backtested on Nifty 650 Wef 1990 with entry and exit inputs. The results are Total Trades (20.9), Total % profitable (77), Avg Return per trade (3.69) Risk Reward( 1.7) Success Ration (81.43) Expectancy (1.2). As per your clarification the system seems to be good to me. Am I correct in my analysis or do I need to look into it further. Request assist
Sir Can you please explain the various results obtained in back testing. What value ranges are called good results in back testing in risk reward and expectancy. Alternatively what all parameters are of utmost importance to be seen while analysing the backtested results as the same in not mentioned anywhere. I am a new user at Dwfinedge with customer ID 1246020, Kindly advise
Vriddhi Strategy {Long Only}
Vriddhi Strategy {Long Only}
Vriddhi Strategy {Long Only}