Power Portfolio RS & Price Analysis
Power Portfolio RS & Price Analysis
Left side chart is of Price chart which is in Double Bottom sell after anchor column so probably forming bullish ABC
Right side chart is Relative Strength chart against Nifty 500 which is above super trend means its relatively strong
as long as price chart dosent give buy signal no commitment into the market
Equity curve Trading
Edge is the key
#AhmedabadNest #power #portfolio #stockmarkets #nseindia #analysis
How to plot portfolio in P&F, my portfolio has different weightage of different stocks , any help or trick ?
my re balance is on every 15 days so on add or exit stock with my pre defined rules with cash allocation as well -as per your allocation /entry exit rule u can maintain them and take daily NAV data into CSV file and save in my market folder then u can plot your charts according to your allocation
@Shashank Jain This i have request to @Prashant-Shah sir when we meet at ahmedabad this year to allow with user define weighted portfolio charts