R GD-> Market timing Model
R GD-> Market timing Model
Updated chart -> Generate exit signal on 23/02/2024 now continue in exit mode
this suggest overall weak market structure
Avoid leverage/Margin Funnding
Tight Trailing stop losses
Avoid buy on dips look for Gold/Silver as earlier indicated for breakout and entry into this asset class
#AhmedaadNest #breadth #DataAnalytics #stockmarkets #India #analysis
where to find this indicator
no where
Performance of various index after Market timing model RGD generates Exit signal -
R GD Conterian Market Timing Model update 18/03/2024
Continue in Exit mode and even Rising means broder market to see more tough time ahead
Now based on my experience Few point to kept in mind
1-Long only apparoch will have little difficult time
2-Stop leverage Trading
3-Stop Marging Funding
4-High P/E stock will have more correction
5-Valuation will back to mean
"Will Feel it was market that it wants to give you Returns "
#AhmedabadNest #conterian #nseindia #StockMarketindia #Indicator #analysis #index
22-03-2024 RGD Conterian indicator Remain on Exit mode since 23-02-2024
Please elaborate regarding this new indicator
basically its breadth based model-contterian in nature when in Golden cross mkt will see correction when in death cross mkt will see rally -weekly updated