Yes I also had mentioned about this any % we take we should know one box plotted any direction it's value in ₹ also, rather looking at previous day close price then multiplying it with the % of box price taken .. it's really a very big task. Above that you don't have previous day close price also displayed, if we take scrolling option from above to skip charts, how will I come to know close price of previous day ..
Only traders can find the pain.
Only traders can give you the valid feedback ..
Try to solve this issue. Definedge team
Santosh Bahl
All Replies
Yes thank you..
Hope I made the requirement needed was understood by the team. And hope to be implemented in future charts -
PLZ Request to add this on charts along with desire % box size, the % we change the CL = *3 will also change as per %, this gives one X or O value. And here Y axis value is also missing when curser is placed behind column on web version, it's available on trade point..
Thank you -
Hello sir,
Request you to understand the construction of Pnf charting method.
Books for reference to understand this in detail of Pnf, read prashant sir book. Go to shelf section in your login dashboard and look for pnf book. You can read all the book published there..
Thank you -
Hello definedge team
Request you to add previous day closing price in commentary, as you have column high and column low price. Pls also request box value price visible.If I am taking any % of box value So it will be easy to calculate if a move by so many ₹ the box will be plotted either direction. In trade point you have close in %, I request you all to Pls add this request..
Thank you -
Definedge team,
Requesting to add ultimate multi price performance score EOD, also as you have given ultimate RS matrix .. -
Request team to provide add stocks to watchlist option also, from scanner,it will be easy to add only that stocks bullish or bearish on pnf % as desired by client. I hope the easyiest way to update stocks on daily basis for trading or investment..rather looking daily for the universe of stocks ..
Thankyou and regards
Sunny behl -
hello defineedge, here with sharing the concept to make you all understand what i am looking for, and request you guy one again to implement it in your platform,
here i am making anchor support\ resistance from daily 1 % box size in this software and marking this as short term resistance support, and drilling down to 60 min tf and marking with yellow lines box size is 0.25% , my markings are saved automatic here, and when i convert it into candlestick charting method,there are still available in that type of charting method, why cant your system adopt such easy concept. i have tweeted on X Dm also and made the team understand what is needed for a trader and investor, received the call also from your backend team. I am still waiting for the major update in your platform, I Feel my request is not falling to the ears of developer . Most of the things are adapted from TX3 NUWAMA why not thisThank you
hello definedge team,
can we have zig zag indicator based on percentage basis which can be plotted on candle and other charting tool, the reason is as we have to draw support and resistance on different box size on pnf and save. The save chart list is getting so big, have to keep scrolling and keep hunting . By plotting we come to know were is the swing low and high of the desire box size.Thankyou
Guys drawing on daily TF candlestick chart and saving the layout and switching to 15 or 60 min intraday timeframe nothing is seen
. Again back to daily TF then also my drawings are vanished, again have to go to save charts and again apply then it appears..
Guys your product in charting is very very low..
But your product to Pnf and Renko is good,but need to update linking higher % charts to lower % charts so that mkt are dynamic in nature ,changing layouts and looking what's happening..till than the damage is done. Hope you guys understand..and come to some fair solution.
Thank you -
That is smart Don indicator.
Hello Vishal ji
Open your charts on the top you have a template,you can add in template your indicators and save it ..
Add indicators on the chart right click and save as template. What ever you save on charts with indicator that will be your default if you have only saved .. like this you can add what ever study with indicator and save as template ..
Hope I could help you -
Definedge team,
But TV plots Pnf,Renko only on daily Time frame
LowerTF possible if you have paid subscription of TV ..
You guys can try chartIq also -
ultimate Matrix score ..
Were each sector performance is compared with other sector -
Hello definedge
Request you to link what ever we are drawing on HTF charts on Renko,pnf, candle to appear on ltf charts,it's easy to take decision to stay in the trade or exit. Drawing from HTF will avoid us to
open so many charts in real time ..which will reduce time of a trader. As a full time trader it is really some time pain looking all the stuff are in sink. And your tradepoint if making markings need to close and reopen and make a new marking, is really a pain ..
Request you all to take a look at the requirements mentioned..
Sunny Bahl
High and Low value difference and Box size value in Rupees wrt %
request to add this on charts
request to add this on charts
Doubt with Low value of coulmn shown on zoneweb
Request to add previous day closing price in commentary.
Request for performance score
Request to add stocks tab direct from scanner to watchlist
this is what i am requesting from ages
indicator request
Drawings on ohlc
How to set a Default Chart Template in Zone Web / R Zone?
Tradingview Integration
UM Score in Mobile zone scanner
Linking MTFcharts drawing on LTF