I traded BAJAJ-AUTO with newly build system.... and did the same mistake (जो मिला, ले लो) as shared in the https://forum.definedgesecurities.com/topic/1667/trading-psychology-you-are-the-fund-house-prashant-shah-definedge video by @Prashant-Shah Sir....
I, individually, had burnt my fingers badly in 2020... then from June 2020 ~ Feb 2023 gathered small funds.... started newly in Feb 2023 with freshly developed #ExplosiveVCP
and market also gave good support... reached around 80% returns in 8months (Sep 2023) with good cautiously risk management... , now in February 2024, I was +90% ... just +10% in next 5months... This is the SHADOW P&L.
Disc: We are from Middle Class Family. Never had financial crunches in a Family.
After 2020, always have some family (worried for me... which is good) questioning .... "How much you made last month? Have you lost again?" Or may be its our schooling, society mentality to have some growth monetary every month... KEEP GROWING GROWING GROWING in this competitive world or you are failure. People judge you from your monthly/quarterly/yearly P&L not from your processes (as they are not part of your process)... and being part of society, we also start judging ourselves from P&L... are we growing, are we doing correct things??
We as a trader knows all trading system have some purple patches period for many reasons...
HAVE TO OUTPERFORM CONSTANTLY from market/other people moneywise is wrong approach in trading or in life.
It should be OUTPERFORM, GROW minutely 1%~2% (सूक्ष्म) from our own-self in process and to have approach कर्म कर, फल की इच्छा मत कर
Comments, suggestions or any hacks like "YOU ARE THE FUND HOUSE" to tackle trading psychology are always welcome.