Commodity: - NATURAL GAS
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Shobhit Acharya
Pro User
replied to Shobhit Acharya on 14 Jan 2025, 07:00 last edited by Shobhit Acharya-1722524304189 14 Jan 2025, 15:43This post is deleted! -
Carrying short CE...but momentum is missing.
@Shobhit Acharya currently NatGasMini at 362 so sl hit ? or am I reading it wrong as setup was good down trending and below D-smart
What's your observation on the number of whipsaws before a trending move on 0.1%? And what's the average whipsaw and a trending move %?
@Ravi Shinde I don't have the stats right now, but for sure it's not good. I'm experimenting with it to see whether the Intraday trading style suits my temperament or not. After practicing the setup for almost 2 and half months I have realized following things from my own experience.
- Lower the TF, Higher the Whipsaw's.
- Trading psychology plays a lot in short term trading. I have broken trading rules of position sizing, risk mgmt. etc. due to greed, to cover losses, revenge etc.
- Profits booking is another thing, I struggled with. As during consolidation, risk: reward is not favorable. I have observed it's less than 1R.
- With so many SL's hit, I lose confidence and struggled with trend riding and capturing trending moves as well, so probably a good trending move of 3R, I might have captured.
- Mistaken, intraday trading is easier to mint money from market using Algo. It requires a good amount of time, energy & emotions.
Thanks for asking the questions, I'll get back to you with the actual trade's stats.
Sure. I am running a system on 0.15% tick tf with Dsmart. i could see that you have to take 6-8 whipsaws before a trending move. I think I have completed around 60-70 trades and the system is not profitable as of now. I have moved the TF to 1 min and will complete another 150 trades with it. Lets see.