Recently released raju sir and ap sir video on anchor support resistance kindly add levels of that anchor support and resistance for easy
Nishshkumar Jaani,CFTe
Pro User
All Replies
sir can we have number of days count above/below specific moving average ?
sir can we have number of days count above/below specific moving average ?
Record more practicle aspect video on D Pivot & give in table formate like other pivot and also give option to plot onlt T line & also connect this T line like Super Trend or any other indicator
if possible give condition Long above T with sl and backtesting of it
hello team give option to select and display choosen window -every time aall charts are not necessary to have on screen
#NIFTY-will history repeat again ?
in recent times tow times nifty has 4 consequtive negative monthly closing and now 3rd happen
in past first in 2015 when nifty down by 14.2% and rallied#17.7% in next 4 month
second time in 2023 it fell by 8.25% and rallied 13.13% in next 4 month
now again this happen with 7.49% loss with doji finger crossed now will history repeate over next 4 month with good recovery or not
#NIFTY #StockMarketIndia #seasonality #Patterns #analysis
yes much needed even we need to add trendline also
kindly add BETA like ALPHA RS in lowerr panel that will help to understand the volatility pattern of the stock across market cycle and range that will help to select stcoks based on range
low beta or we need to define upper and lower barrier of beta so smooth re balanced happen ?
hello sir
lets say i am running a portfolio of bullish stock and on periodic basis i am re balancing keeping top 20 stock based on ultimate matrix ranking so my question is how much BETA of stock affect the rebalancing
Hello team in previous version of definedge desktop there was multileg chart option with plotting fu & option leg kindly add it back to see how my position is performing
Hello team in previous version of definedge desktop there was multileg chart option with plotting fu & option leg kindly add it back to see how my position is performing
Hello sir
kindly add or give option that only provide T Line -the idea is if somone is loking at larger picture based on weekly-monthly trend and wants to trade based on Trend that single line for long term will help to look back and if possible give scanner condition to back test
Thanks and Regards
kindly add look back period on VCP templet that will help to back test and see how stock has in and out over period of time and one more rquest keep look back period mimum 5 year or higher that will help meaningful data
- Nifty optimistic view 29000!
If the lower trendline hold and breakout above upper trendline could trigger nifty rally towards 29000
#Nifty50 #NSE #StockMarketIndia #analysis #candlestic #keepitsimple
adequate divercified portoflio with proper position sizing (minimum 2%,maximum 5% allocation),follow backtestd model,follow proper entry exits,have diverified stock universe which gives good stocks -as every market will have both kind of stcoks up-down and expect old leaders will loose their leadership and new leaders will appear
End of Horny bull market ?
look at the chart setup DMI turned bearish and chart below MAST indicator
whenever this happen you will see
No strong positive momentum
Momentum Strategy will not work easily
Buy & Hold will not work
Easy system will not generate returns
Leverage/MTF will not have Favourable Time
High P/E & High leverage stock will be punished
Fundamentally strong/sustainable stock will show positive momentumtraders and investors lower down your expectations
Rate of Change-Speed of momentum will be slowdownThis phase is nothing new which has seen earlier this shall pass and new leaaders will emerge
at some point of time market will find buying intrest from value investors that will halt the fall -look for next strong sector-stocks- Find your setup-Follow charts-Have Proper Risk management & Position Sizing
share link of laid back strategy videos link
Death of Long only Momentum Portfolio Strategy ?
when the levels is above Super trend with positive DMI it is best time to ride the long only momentum portfolio strategy
now we are at last stage confirmation DMI has turned negative and waiting for it to fall below super trend and break of bullish trendline
if this happen expect further Time and Price wise correction and in this scenerio long only momentum portfolio strategy will face rough periods
the easy money era will be over but yes in every phase select seectors and stocks which have negative correlation will shine well like IT-PHARMA and up to certain extend PVT banks can relatively outperform and help market to stablelize
NIFTY 50 Fractle to lead all time high ?
Marked trendline with yellow box if hold 23500-23200 support zone and breakout from upper trendline will repeat fractle and possible to new all time high
#Nifty50 #analysis #StockMarketIndia #candlestic #charts #nse
Support zone 23500-23200
Breakout from black trendline will be trending moves
#Nifty50 #analysis #StockMarketIndia #candlestic #charts #nse
Bullish ABC
SL 401 on closing basis
Target 490
Bullish ABC Breakout
SL 12246 on closing basis
Target 17874
Turtle Bullish Breakout
SL 2836 on closing basis for 3900
Close above 588 will trigger Bullish ABC can move to 885 with stop loss of 538 on closing basis
hello @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts
kindly add sum chart in P&F FUSION MATRIX SCANNER
Thanks and Regards
@Prashant-Shah sir @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts
in back test report please add two more function
1-Buy and hold return for the backtested period
2-cummelative return of the strategy for back test periodthat two figure will help weather to execute the strategy or not as by doing all the backtest and finding good strategy at the end if the strategy is not able to bear the buy and hold approach its not good partucular index and mutual funds strategy
Thanks And Regards
Hello @Prashant-Shah sir
team @Definedge @@Definedge-Expertskindly add Dynamic Ultimate Matrix in Desktop version also -> all my scanning is done on desktop and need further ranking i need to take all the data to zone to scan that is time consuming so it will be batter to have on dekstop also
Thanks and Regards
@Prashant-Shah @@Definedge-Experts
can we have Congestion index in our softwares and with condition to back test ?
That will help to lot of traders where to apply trend following and mean reverting trading style
Market movements can be characterized by two distinct types or phases. In the first, the market shows trending movements which have a directional bias over a period of time. The second type of market behavior is periodic or cyclic motion, where the market shows no consistent directional bias and trades between two levels. This type of market results in the failure of trend-following indicators and the success of overbought/oversold oscillators. Both phases of the market require the use of different types of indicator. Trending markets need trend-following indicators such as moving averages, moving average convergence/divergence (MACD), and so on. Trading range markets need oscillators such as the relative strength index (RSI) and stochastics, which use overbought and oversold levels. The age-old problem for many trading systems is their inability to determine if a trending or trading range market is at hand. Trend-following indicators, such as the MACD or moving averages, tend to be whipsawed as markets enter a nontrending congestion phase. On the other hand, oscillators (which work well during trading range markets) are often too early to buy or sell in a trending market. Thus, identifying the market phase and selecting the appropriate indicators is critical to a system’s success. The congestion index attempts to identify the market’s character by dividing the actual percentage that the market has changed in the past x days by the extreme range according to the following formula:Readings between+20 and−20indicate congestion or oscillating mode. Crossing over the 20 line from below indicates the start of a rising trend. Conversely, the start of a down turn is indicated by crossing under−20 from above. The CI can also be used as an overbought/oversold oscillator.
It was taken from İntermarket Trading Strategies book of by Markos Katsanos.Read the book.
Hello @Prashant-Shah sir @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts
please add scanning condition like P&F score of 2 & 1 in Renko bullish continuation and when in retracement
P&F we have Easy DTB continuation and when goes into Bullish retracements it immediately removed from DTB condition even DBS is not active
same kind of scanning condition or give matrix like P&F Fusion matrix
attaching charts
in trade point desktop version ther is available but i need to work in Mutual funds
@Prashant-Shah sir @@Definedge-Experts @Definedge
few months back there was SUM chart option along with RS in P&F + RENKO charts
please enable it
currently to plot i have to run scanner
INDIA VIX P&F Analysis
Before COVID 19 it breakout from T-20 pattern and all the way hit 82.3
Now before election it breakout from Super Pattern and its target is 82.3 which is called cluster count
Negation of pattern will be when it close below 19.79
Dara nahi rahe dikha rahe hai
#AhmedabadNest #india #vix #greed #fear #index #analysis #nseindia #stockmarket
Super Pattern Breakout
SL 59.72 on closing basis for 74.33
Good RR
#AhmedabadNest #gold #goldbees #pattern #breakout #nse #stockmarket #india
GOLDBEES/NIFTY 500 Pattern update
look at the weekly chart its forming Inv Head and shoulder pattern confirmation on close and follow thru above 93 currently stand at 90
if happen expecting major out performance of Gold since long time i am advocating allocation to gold
if pattern breakout will have good momentum
#AhmedabadNest #gold #nseindia #stockmarket #pattern #analysis #rotation #breakout
see both charts which is of my own index /equity curve of my strategy
Good Morning
@Prashant-Shah sir @Definedge @@Definedge-ExpertsIn the zone i can select any denominator from any segment like
stock/mutual fundin Desk top kindly add this one also like i can add denominator from my market selected data as i maitain my own index so would like to plot various RS charts and Run fusion matrix by selecting denominator from my market which is out perfoming many broad based index like nifty 500
Thanks and Regards
Good Morning
@Prashant-Shah sir @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts @AP sir
make Table where every security shows MAX OI just by clicking only select all F&O stocks/index wise or selected stock wise with desired expiry
Thanks and Regards
Nifty Spot
Trendlines + Probable H&S Top Pattern
Confirmation below 21700 only but right now looking at Rise of VIX & Divergences probable Right shoulder top has been formed
below 21700 and drag below 21000
#nifty #pattern #StockMarket #analysis #nseindia
Hello @Prashant-Shah sir team @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts
Long pending request by when we will have Renko fusion matrix ?
various stat is missing like in segment wise P&L insight various data points
T-20 Pattern breakout
CMP 1338 SL 1102 On closing Basis Target 2241
Good RR
#AhmedabadNest #stock #analysis #StockMarket #India #NSE #quality
Hello @Prashant-Shah sir Team @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts
very good tool P&L Insight
my suggestion is to make segment wise seperate p&l insight that will show true picture of that particular segment efficiency of that trader & investor
Thanks and Regards
Breakout from falling trendline can hit blue trendline between 110-112
That will put more pressure on
Emerging market like india
That will help to gain
#AhmedabadNest #DXY #NSE #StockMarketindia #analysis #GOLD
GOLD MCX-Repeting Pattern ! GOLD USD-Pattern Breakout
weekly chart
getting some similiar pattern breakout
consolidation between 2016-2019 then all the way 34000 to 54000 ->Even dosent came to test breakout levels
Now consoldation between 2020-2023 now breakout
expecting positive momentum for long time as USD Gold has broken very large Cup & Handle pattern which will be failed only below 1600
Keep watching Ratio charts of GOLD VS EQUITY to get more insight and where to be aggrasive
#AhmedabadNest #GOLD #MCX #USDollar #pattern #Breakout #analysis #relativestrength #allocation #rotation
Multiple Time well alerted that gold will out perform check my posts
@Prashant-Shah sir if i wants to build stock portfolio based on sharp ratio then what is the minimum time period based on that i need to calculate the sharp ratio and what will be the minimum and maximum range i can select for sharp ratio (my goal is for long term only )
target abhi dur hai
even internation GOLD is breakout after 12 years
abhi to party shuru hu hai
please push update in system as early as possible as wants to re balance many portfolio based on it & wants to calculate breadth data -otherwise i have to cerate group manually buy using the NSE re balance files @Prashant-Shah @Definedge @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts pleas look into it
only nifty 50 & nifty 500 re balanced pushed into system rest not pushed by when all will be updated in web ?
The Index Maintenance Sub-Committee (Equity) of NSE Indices Limited has decided to make the
replacement of stocks in various indices as part of its periodic review as listed hereunder. These
changes shall become effective from March 28, 2024 (close of March 27, 2024)when this re balance will be reflected in web & desk top version ? as i take breadth data so for me it becomes important
@Definedge @@Definedge-Experts @Prashant-Shah
basically its breadth based model-contterian in nature when in Golden cross mkt will see correction when in death cross mkt will see rally -weekly updated
yes this is highly needed
ok but on what basis this line plots -whats calculation behind it ?
22-03-2024 RGD Conterian indicator Remain on Exit mode since 23-02-2024
Hello prashant Sir & Team definedge
we have facility to plot Sum chart in desk top (P&F /RENKO ) kindly add this zone
@Prashant-Shah @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts -
Hello prashant sir and Team definedge
my suggestion is that the way we have pivot levels based on yesterdays close can we have levels based on VIX
1 SD Up & Down levels (68.2 % probability that instrument remain in this range )
2 SD Up & Down levels (95.40 % probability that instrument remain in this range )
3 SD Up & Down levels (99.70 % probability that instrument remain in this range )
That will help to find good support resistance-strangle writing for intraday etc
@Prashant-Shah @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts
Thanks and Regards
Nishesh Jani
also gives option to analyze last 10-20-30-50 trades
Good feature
give option to select own dates that will help more
@Prashant-Shah @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts
Hello friends
started Telegram Channel dedicated to #VGM Setup
Thanks and Regards
Nishshkumar Jaani
GOLDBEES/Nifty 500-Ratio Chart Breakout
Expecting further out performance in Gold
Super Pattern above Super Trend so dont expect immediate down turn in gold
#AhmedabadNest #GOLD #outperformance #relativestrength #nseindia #ETFs #PassiveIncome
yes @Brijesh-Bhatia sir
keep DBS 52.07 on closing basis as SL For 60 & 64 TGT
As per my market timing model we are holding GOLDBEES
#AhmedabadNest #GOLD #breakout #nseindia #stockmarkets #ETFs #passiveearnings
@Prashant-Shah sir @AP sir @@Definedge-Experts @Definedge
kindly add study option in Opstra TOI
I wanted to check some historical charts of TOI where i wants to change the EMA value but i cant do that
Thanks and Regards
Bull-Bear Momentum Indicator-Turn Bearish
Another Market timing model turn bearish by giving swing bearish signal hinting more weakness in broder market going ahead
as long as dosent turn swing bullish market is weak
#AhmedabadNest #conterian #nseindia #StockMarketindia #Indicator #analysis #index
R GD Conterian Market Timing Model update 18/03/2024
Continue in Exit mode and even Rising means broder market to see more tough time ahead
Now based on my experience Few point to kept in mind
1-Long only apparoch will have little difficult time
2-Stop leverage Trading
3-Stop Marging Funding
4-High P/E stock will have more correction
5-Valuation will back to mean
"Will Feel it was market that it wants to give you Returns "
#AhmedabadNest #conterian #nseindia #StockMarketindia #Indicator #analysis #index
Market Trend & Your System Analysis
As prashant sir says 3 M Matrix are important
Market Trend
Meas per my observation and RGD indicator data Any system generates smooth return when Market trend is favourable in this period relaively easy money comes
i have done back test on simple P&F chart with 3 *3 Box size on Nifty 500 stocks
Entry DTB
Exit DBSsee how results dramatically changes
Sell Mode date 22-10-2021 to 17-03-2023
Buy Mode date 17-03-2023 to 23-02-2024Notice in image when in sell and buy mode Average return per trade-success ratio-Risk Reward-Exepectancy Ratio all drametically changes
Do backtest what ever the strategy you are doing between buy and sell mode date and see the difference
Will Feel it was market that it wants to give you Returns
your feedback/query kindly send me mail at [email protected]
#AhmedabadNest #analysis #StockMarketindia #system #DataAnalytics #nseindia #breadth #Indicator
Mcx silver is trying to breakout after long consolidation
expecting 121000
Retailers can have an option on NSE-SILVERBEES
#AhmedabadNest #silversqueeze #analysis #India #mcx #nseindia #bees #ETFs
@Prashant-Shah @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts @Prasiddh-Shroff
can you add look back period in marketcap ranking scanner -> that will help while building dynamic breadth data -when ever you add please add at least 1000 days
Nifty Bank
Be careful
Psu banks are weak and PVT bank index probable H&S
Expecting 10 % correction
#AhmedabadNest #pattern #failure #analysis #StockMarketindia #nseindia #nifty50 #niftybank
Failure of Inv H&S in Nifty ?
Look at yellow trendline and marked Inv H&S pattern
close below 22100 can be failureChart patterns are subject to failure. When a chart pattern fails, that is a more reliable signal than the chart pattern itself
#AhmedabadNest #pattern #failure #analysis #StockMarketindia #nseindia #Nifty
Kindly add MACD indicator in Study list of TOI-Total Open Interest
@AP @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts @Prashant-Shah
Performance of various index after Market timing model RGD generates Exit signal -
no where
R GD-> Market timing Model
Updated chart -> Generate exit signal on 23/02/2024 now continue in exit mode
this suggest overall weak market structure
Avoid leverage/Margin Funnding
Tight Trailing stop losses
Avoid buy on dips look for Gold/Silver as earlier indicated for breakout and entry into this asset class
#AhmedaadNest #breadth #DataAnalytics #stockmarkets #India #analysis
Hello Friends
Latet #VGM stock list is prepared which was presented at EDECNOCH 2021 in case you have missed or wants to revise the presentation sharing the link
Full list and seperate list of Motilal oswal & Parag parikh is available on Telegram channel of definedge or you can mail me at [email protected] i will send
Thanks and Regards
Nishshkumar Jaani
Nifty PVT Bank
probable Right shoulder ? till it dosent close above head it could be the H&S Top pattern
on RS charts its is taking support but need to cautious till it dosent cross previous high
once it negate H&S pvt bank again will lead the bank index with my favourite HDFC -ICICI-AXIS-KOTAK
#AhmedabadNest #NSE #pattern #CHARTS #analysis #stockmarkets #India #pvtbank #bank
Important question for Every trader-> Initial capital Requirment
Gone through many books / videos / course / connected traders and investors who presents excellent strategies but one important aspect about initial capital is not much talked about
Veteran trader and author Ashwani Gujaral sir in his book says you can not control the price movement but you can always control the volume you trade,most traders go bust because of volume ,not price !
For me I have identified few rules which might help you
naked Fu or Hedged Fu keep 3 times margin what the exchange ask For 1 lot
For spread in nifty keep 3 times of margin required by exchange For 1 lot
For naked long options keep 1 lot of margin equvivant to what the margin required to short that option for 1 lot
You can do anti martingale process where you reduce position sizing during drawdown and rising position sizing during favorable period
After seeing this much of margin requirment you will say return will decrease yes it affect but you can use extra margin in other investment like equity portfolio or Instrument like Gold silver ETF if price is favorable and raise Return on investments
Hope you like my words your suggestion / feedback kindly mail me [email protected]
#nseindia #stockmarkets #position #sizing -
It is the first Liquid ETF in India that provides convenience of Growth NAV (Net Asset Value), thus making it easier to track and maintain by eliminating dividend tracking. Additionally, the returns are taxed only when the ETF is sold, unlike other ETFs that pay dividends and are taxed continuously.
So no problem of fraction Units and its calculation
Snapshot of March 2024 Portfolio
An equal weightage of 20 stock portfolio which covers large-mid-small caps across various sectorsIrrespective of market movement it holds 20 stock and re balanced every month
its for passive investors index who dont have time to look for day to day market movements and can follow for long time
Happy for your feedback/suggestions/query at [email protected]
#AhmedabadNest #2024 #yearly #portfolio #StockMarketindia #nseindia #Quant #DataScience #DataAnalytics
Ratio chart of GOLDBEES/NIFTY 500
Now trading at 2008 levels
Look for Bullish Setup to enter into Goldbees
Look For bearish Setup to Exit from market
#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #StockMarketindia #nifty #gold #rotation #assetclass
Hello prashan sir
Capture ratio measures the performance of an investment (like mutual funds) during upward and downward market trends with respect to its benchmark index.
Ratio Rank i think dose the same thing ?
@Prashant-Shah @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts
Thanks and Regards
Nishshkumar Jaani
no video or any details
Conterian Indicator R GD flashed Exit Mode
Last time on 17/3/2023- This indicator flashed Entry Mode (check tweet )
When ever Indicator in Death cross and Below Zero-Entry Point into market
When ever Indicator in Golden cross and above Zero-Exit point from market
See how various Index has delivered Return weekly and monthly basis and net basis
Now based on my experience Few point to kept in mind
1-Long only apparoch will have little difficult time
2-Stop leverage Trading
3-Stop Marging Funding
4-High P/E stock will have more correction
5-Valuation will back to mean"Will Feel it was market that it wants to give you Returns "
Also find image in which index i see more correctionattached image-R GD/ Return of various index/List of index where i see more correction
#AhmedabadNest #conterian #nseindia #StockMarketindia #Indicator #analysis #index
Thanks and Regards
Nishshkumar Jaani
Hello Team @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts @Prashant-Shah
add Fusion matrix like P&F charts
Thanks and Regards
Nishshkumar Jaani
Are you a trend follower ? if yes then this post is for you
as a trend follower traders buy and sell & trade every movements of index or stock particular to get maximum benefit of the every twist and turns of that particular security.
like me you may have also face situation where trend following has extremely favourable time and extremely whipsaw phase
in times of whipsaw phas trade loose two important thing
A-> Capital
B-> Mental fitnessand due to both trader stop following strategy and step into finding another holy grail strategy and keep doing it
The real problem is not in the strategy it has the characteristics of generating super return and whipsaw phase the real problem is to find out the most beneficial period where the strategy has high chance of generating return
C-ConsistanceNo security has constant trending move ever so as a trend follower one need to findout the
TRENDING Moves where fast-easy-consitance move comes
see attcahed image where i have marked T which is the phase where security has TRENDING move at that time run trendfollwing strategy to get benefit and where there no T this is the phase where stop taking trades
Hope you love reading the article
Thanks and Regards
Nishshkumar Jaani
Hello Team @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts @Prashant-Shah sir
Thank you for giving 1 year intra day data -> my suggestion is to create intraday data only portal where few years of data is available -> make it extra paid like Trading view-> as back testing on 1 year and taking trades is not viable where one wants to put serious amount of time & money -> we need larger data which has seen up-down-consolidation trend of various index and stock and across various events like geopolitical as well as local events like election-> so one can have in smaple and out of sample data analysis and know the exat results of the strategy that how it has performed across various market cycle
Hopeing your favourable Response
Thanks and Regards
Nishshkumar Jaani
add all study in weighted avaerage index @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts @Prashant-Shah
yes they have contacted and solve as it is below for those who dont know like me
An answer Where to invest
Stay Tune more update soon .....................
#AhmedabadNest #opportunity #ETFs #index #nse #StockMarketindia #index
Team @Definedge kindly add facility to plot exat Horizontal levels by writing like trading view give option to both desktop and web version
ready made available -
#VGM-Trading & Investing | #EDECNOCH2021
Universe of stock Ready to upload in Desktop & Web version link of Presentation
Ride the out performer and make your team strong Stay ahead with my VGM Setup
Those who need can mail me on [email protected]
#AhmedabadNest #system #trading #investing #nseindia #RS #relativestrength #StockMarketindia
@Definedge -
yes thanks team definedge
when we scan P&F -RENKO chart we have facility to save group based on performance & ranking score total
i rquest to add box size & brick size based score save option currenty i have to scan first then download pick my filtered stock into CSV and upload
@Prashant-Shah @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts
#VGM #Paytm
On Ratio chart since mid of November 2023 it was in Double Bottom Sell now in Bearish anchor Follow Thru
Ride the out performer and make your team strong Stay ahead with my VGM Setup discussed in E-DECNOCH 2021 Sharing link
your feed back /suggestion are welcome at [email protected]
#AhmedabadNest #VGM #SETUP #StockMarketindia #nseindia
Snapshot of February 2024 Portfolio
An equal weightage of 20 stock portfolio which covers large-mid-small caps across various sectors
Irrespective of market movement it holds 20 stock and re balanced every month
its for passive investors index who dont have time to look for day to day market movements and can follow for long time
Happy for your feedback/suggestions/query at [email protected]
#AhmedabadNest #2024 #yearly #portfolio #StockMarketindia #nseindia #Quant #DataScience #DataAnalytics
Quarterly Re Balanced Portfolio Series
Sharing 2 portfolios of 20 stock equal weightage-> Next Re balance in April 2024 -> Under serious problem of corporate governance stock will be removed on immediate effect to protect value.
from April 2024 will share the Equity curve of both portfolio and regular analysis of that equity curve on various charting techniques like Candlestic /Ratio/P&F/Renko etc
will be happy to address your valuable feedback/suggestions and query on [email protected]
#AhmedabadNest #portfolio #factor #Momentum #DataAnalytics #nseindia #StockMarketindia #India
#VGM #Hindunilever
As per Value Growth Momentum concept it was in Bearish anchor Follow Thru sell and below MAST indicator since 2021
Ride the out performer and make your team strong Stay ahead with my VGM Setup discussed in E-DECNOCH 2021 Sharing link
your feed back /suggestion are welcome at [email protected]
#AhmedabadNest #VGM #SETUP #StockMarketindia #nseindia
Not available anywhere -in forum and various social media platform i will update time to time
Simple -> is conterian indicator
when R GD Breadth is in Golden crossover->Mkt is bearish
When R GD Breadth is in Death Crossover->Mkt is bullish
the way its is diverging seems in next 2/3 week it may have Golden cross over and mkt top
when this indicator is bearish look for shortning
when this indicator is bearish look for long opportunities as per the owns setups weather in candle/P&F/Renko This is the condition where system has high success ratio
soon will share the dates and can see the various sectors perform in Death & Golden cross over so can have idea
Distribution activity !
look at Nifty 500 price chart and my R GD Breadth chart
same structure happening like 2021 top
when mkt rising in one way this indicator has given golden cross in november 2021 and mkt suddenly made top -currently very close to give golden cross over
#AhmedabadNest #breadth #divergence #analysis #StockMarketindia
Nifty Spot
There is negative divergence on RSI now break below the Rising trendline with big bearish candle can create havoc and can fill the gap of 20300
#AhmedabadNest #Nifty #StockMarket #analysis #StockMarket #india
@Prashant-Shah @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts make dedicated portal where number of years intra day data available and one can do back test -make it chargable so those who wants it can have that data lets say i wants to back test P&F 0.25% entry exit based on MAST indicator for last 10 years then i dont have the data and based on its performance i can manage my position sizing like kellys formula also Thanks
Snapshot of January 2024 Portfolio
An equal weightage of 20 stock portfolio
Irrespective of market movement it holds 20 stock and re balanced every month
its for passive investors index who dont have time to look for day to day market movements and can follow for long time
#AhmedabadNest #2024 #yearly #portfolio #StockMarketindia #nseindia #Quant #DataScience #DataAnalytics
Portfolio for 2024
20 stock equal weightage 2 model portfolios
No re balance required -will remove if significant event like merger or serious corporate governance issue happen
#AhmedabadNest #2024 #yearly #portfolio #StockMarketindia #nseindia #Quant #DataScience #DataAnalytics
Hello @Prashant-Shah sir @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts
i request you to increase the no of bars to 50 in ratio trend matrix from current 30
kindly check there is serious problem in web version compare to desktop of securities
see the attached image-in last year there is both pattern Lion & Flying as per rule only one can happen either lio or flying as per RS book when Denominator is same, last year denominator was Up so two condition can happen Flying or bearish star but lion can not happen when deniominator is up ,lion happen when denominator is down and numerator is up
in current year all MF which i selected are out performing but showing bearish star example
nippon india growth has generated 42 % return against nifty 500 of 21 % still showing bearish star instead of flying
kindly look into it @Prashant-Shah @@Definedge-Experts @Definedge
Hello team definedge we have very goof facility of backtesting in software -very intresting position sizing calculator also which helps a lot
currently we have only BSE-NSE stock only please add Mutual fund also as we have back testing facility there also so we can have position sizing there also
@Prashant-Shah @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts
Give date selection tab also along with period that will help
Some tiem ago there was Multi denominator RS scanner but i am not able to find out
kindly help me @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts
congrats from #AhmedabadNest
in back testing give export option so one can sort best stock based on many factors like
Total minimum trades,ave return,success ratio,expetancy and make list to mimum
@Prashant-Shah @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts
In Ultimate Matrix of P&F -Renko for look back period give date selection tab so one do not need to calculate how many days he needs to go back he just can select this dates like i run of may be thursday so i have to calculate past days from current and with this i need to remember the trading holidays also otherwise result will be wrong so give direct date
plus rise the look back period from 100 as we are having the data with us ,if not possible on web version give in Desktop
@Prashant-Shah @Definedge @@Definedge-Experts
please add save option in back testing feature-lets say i wants to crete group with X% success ratio,minimum expetancy ration,RR etc @Prashant-Shah @@Definedge-Experts @Definedge
in multi chart scanner add Renko RS also ,like P&F RS @Prashant-Shah @@Definedge-Experts
ALERT -Pullback Complete ?
on 26th October alerted Dead cat Bounce
Nifty 19250 Bank Nifty 43000 (Spot)
close below will confirm the pullback seems over and will head lower to respect H&S and Double Top pattern and probable targets are 18400-40000
#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #nifty50 #bank #analysis #patterns
#SPX -LT LB Formation
S&P 500-US Mkt
observe Dow theory lower top lower bottom formation resistance placed at 4390 on closing basis
as long as this pattern is valid in simple term its is in downtrend
last time H&S Pattern from top achieved targets and now bounced
#AhmedabadNest #spx #USA #market #analysis
Pattern observation Analysis
Bank nifty-Double Top formation trading below neckline
Nifty active Head & shoulder pattern trading below neckline
This rounding pattern have tendancy to test the neckline which is know as pullback
as long as not getting any bullish pattern we have to respect current pattern
#AhmedabadNest #Nifty #banknifty #StockMarket #analysis #india #patterns
Nifty Bank & Nifty analysis
Common for Both -Trading below 10 SMA,Both have formed large bearish anchor,Both trading below Anchor points,Both has not got bullish follow thru above anchor column and in correction
Level wise analysis
Bank nifty -Anchor point resistance
,Bearish anchor column negation
Bearish breakout follow thru below 422235 for 40136-38085Nifty-Anchor point resistance
,Bearish anchor column negation
Bearish breakout follow thru below 18846 for 17981-17139No biasness Only levels to act upon
Be open minded & adaptive
#AhmedabadNest #analysis #StockMarketindia #Nifty #banknifty
yes that possible but u need to scan another thing that can be incoporated in same scan for faster analysis
yes thanks a lot
and based on that i can have breadth data bullish PMOX(stock above 75 + Netural zone ) -Bearish PMOX(stock below 25 + Netural zone )
Today shown Raju sir video on PMOX very good analysis
Stock Gives Bullish Momentum & oversold in bullish momentum AND Bearish momentum & over bought in bearish momentum
after that it goes into NETURAL zone between (75 to 25 )
when i scan it will show me oversold-over bought & bearish bullish momentum but after that PMOX indicator will fall into netural zone now in that condition i have to manually go and check weather stock is in netural zone after bullish & bearish momentum that will be time consuming
so my suggestion is that when PMOX is in netural zone put lable that this netural zone is followed by Bullish or bearish momentum so i can plan my entry
see chart of BHEL currently in netural zone but that is after Bullish momentum that i have to check charts by charts
@Prashant-Shah @@Definedge-Experts
Those who are holding stocks equivivalant to future lot size can do covered call strategy in Asian paints
Asian Paints -Ratio chart analysis
Plotted against Nifty 500 with Triple Moving average
Broken below large box
Bearish Anchor Follow thru
TMA negatively allingedso all in all it looks stock will underperform the market
same thing has happen in reliance between 2008-2016 where it massively underperform the market
if i have only two choice between Asian paints and Nifty 500 i will choose to invest my money in nifty 500 BEES or That index fund till ratio chart dosent turn in favour of asian paints so my pain area reduce and if mkt rise i earn returns
#AhmedabadNest #stockmarkets #AsianPaints #analysis #ratiocharts
Nifty 500
Break below Super Trend indicator =>Bearish
ADX works very good for buy sell,now near to give sell signal if that happen then expect further downside move
for me as a momentum trader no scope for equity
#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #stockmarkets #analysis
Price and Ratio wise below Super Trend means no scope for Equity for me.
if you remeber i was updating my market timing model reading was above 90% in fcat reached 94 % at its peak and this is highly overbought zone
Always do check the Health of market along with price action
50% work is done if you can save drawdown in correction
Equity Curve Trading
Edge is the key
#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #StockMarket #india #analysis
#AhmedabadNest #index #analysis #StockMarket #india
Fake News Low is getting broken
Midcap 150 -Microcap 250
on 12th september fake news came of front running done by one of society generally fund managers and that day is now getting broken
on Rumours some inteligent investors/trader likely to offload in big chunk
attchaing boths charts for referance lets see where the correction ends on Fibo Retracements
India VIX
Double Triangle
along with probable H&S Pattern in Nifty & Bank nifty daily charts
Nifty-bear attack ?
Nifty not able to cross the gap down gap
ADX falling has taken whipsaws in trend following system
if ADX cross both DMI then bears ko control karna muskil hoga
#AhmedabadNest #analysis #StockMarket #india #nseindia
Nifty Alpha 50-Bull trap or Euphoric move ?
Double Top buy active with T-20 pattern
Two probability either bull trap or Euphoric move
why Bull trap-> Breadth is in over bought zone
Why euphoric move-> In strong market breadth can remain overheated longer then one can expect
#AhmedabadNest #Nifty #analysis #StockMarket #india #momentum
Does all stock have liquidity?
Hello Team definedge and prashant sir
very good scanner in zone app now if possible enable user definedge group for scanning
@Shashank Jain This i have request to @Prashant-Shah sir when we meet at ahmedabad this year to allow with user define weighted portfolio charts
my re balance is on every 15 days so on add or exit stock with my pre defined rules with cash allocation as well -as per your allocation /entry exit rule u can maintain them and take daily NAV data into CSV file and save in my market folder then u can plot your charts according to your allocation
for that on daily basis u need to maintain its NAV like mutual fund does consider cash addition/deletion/stock entry exit etc in xl sheet or 365 refer attached photo
Currently my Power Portfolio is in Double Bottom sell so i have another option to park my money in GoldBees
which is currently below super trend so have to park money in LiquidBees
attaching BackTesting Data & GoldBees chart for referance
#AhmedabadNest #goldbees #gold #analysis #DataAnalytics #backtesting
Power Portfolio RS & Price Analysis
Left side chart is of Price chart which is in Double Bottom sell after anchor column so probably forming bullish ABC
Right side chart is Relative Strength chart against Nifty 500 which is above super trend means its relatively strong
as long as price chart dosent give buy signal no commitment into the market
Equity curve Trading
Edge is the key
#AhmedabadNest #power #portfolio #stockmarkets #nseindia #analysis
Momentum Dominator Portfolio
Bearish Anchor Follow thru suggest soft landing for bears going ahead
along with this still my market timing model is highly overbought above 90% which suggest cool off required in market
Equity Curve Trading
Edge is the key
#AhmedabadNest #momentum #dominators #Portfolio #pattern #analysis
i wants to create scanner for Renko & PNF ->
Brick & coulum was below super trend indicator now it cross super trend this condition i need
since many days i raised my query that weighted avaerage index is not properly plotting kindly solve it as fast as possible @Definedge
Validity of Bearish Divergence
Nifty has shown bearish divergence on Daily RSI but with that we need firm pattern breakout to validate it
attached chart of nifty 50 with Dicergence & trying to break the trendline
one that happen divergence will show its power
#AhmedabadNest #nifty50 #bearish #divergence #analysis #StockMarketindia
Thanks @The-Wealth-Vriksh
#NiftyGanpati bappa kal friday hai sambhal lena
at important levels of 45 degree trendline -if sustain above trendline be ready to quick correction in #Nifty
#AhmedabadNest #NSE #StockMarket #india #analysis
P&F Ratio chart of Mutual Funds/Index is not plotting
In many cases we need NAV to dowwnload and compare against own index
hello @Prasiddh-Shroff sir build such scanner which shows red flags that will help to eliminate junk companies once this criteria is pass half work is done in that case people dosent looses much even if prices dosent rise or fall example like castrol since many years not generated any return but not loosesn its value
overbought reading (My breadth indicator)
cluster of support
Trendline + 50 EMA
If both dosent respect then correction towards 100 & 150 EMA (19200-18900)
My market timing model is 94 %
#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #StockMarket #india #analysis
#Nifty 5% Correction ?
Turn Back Pattern on weekly chart
After 3 Green candle now complete strong bearish candle
looks Throw Back towards 18600 another 5 % Correction !
#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #StockMarket #india #analysis #candlestic
3 Dominators Portfolio given Exit Signal
Focused Momentum
Value Dominators
Momentum Dominators -100 % Bearish Pole & Double Bottom sellwhen momentum dominators gives such signal in backtesting we have observed fast correction in market so be careful in longs now as momentum has loose its charm so dont focus on breakouts chances are high that it fails now
in week end will study my market timing model if given sell signal from highly overbought zone will allocate equity to Gold
Equity Curve Trading Edge is the key
#AhmedabadNest #dominators #Portfolio #nse #StockMarket #india #analysis
Break below Rising Red trendline will confirm bull trap
Need more confirmation from Indicators & Breadth data
can have some good correction if get all confirmation
once connfirmation comes can look to GOLDBEES
#AhmedabadNest #nifty #nseindia #StockMarket #india #analysis
82 Days Time Cycle for Nifty 50
Nifty has wonderful ups & down based on 82 days fixed time interval
As J M Hurts principal of Variation -> Financial market dosent repeat exat cycle ,it has its own variation
so i have put 21 days EMA to follow bullish & bearish cycle
If bullish period & Price Below 21 EMA then ignore bullish phase
If bearish period & Price Above 21 EMA then ignore bearish phaseCurrently in bullish cycle which is going to mature around 16th november 2023 as long as holds 21 EMA i am bullish
#AhmedabadNest #Cycle #analysis #StockMarket #NSE
RS analysis of Value Dominators VS Momentum Dominators
Value was constantly underperforming Momentum-> still below super trend but now it seems bottming out & once we see it cross super trend means quality stock has batter Risk Reward
10 stock portfolio has already been shared one can look towards the stocks for Breakouts
#AhmedabadNest #value #Momentum #dominators #nseindia #StockMarketindia #analysis
Value Dominators Portfolio Analysis
Above Super Trend now preparing for Super Pattern breakout
Next Re balance in october month
#AhmedabadNest #portfolio #RS #analysis #stockmarkets #India
one can find active chart pattern in above stocks on various charting methods on comfertable box sizes
Value Stock Rotational Portfolio Analysis
Relative Strength Chart on Point & Figure charting Method
Above Super Trend-> Super Pattern active
as per setup the bunch will have continue outperformance against nifty 500
On Price charts how beautifully achieveing targets close above 122 will have super pattern activation towards 135
Next Re balance in october month
#AhmedabadNest #portfolio #RS #analysis #stockmarkets #India
yes could be
Re balance Update 18/09/2023
Fronline Momentum
Exit Maruti Add TECHMFocused Momentum
Exit Bajaj Holding Add ICICIPRULIValue Dominator
Exit Bajaj Holding , ICRA,Maruti
Exit Cipla,IPCALAB,Drreddy,Zyduslife
Add CDSL,CoalIndia,Hcltech,PetronetMomentum Dominator
ExitVhel Add Cholafin#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #StockMarketindia #momentum #portfolio
Momentum 15 Portfolio
Rotational Stock portfolio now in sell mode after stellar performance of 29%
Equity Curve Edge is the key
no update on this portfolio till it dosent gives buy signal
#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #StockMarketindia #momentum #portfolio
look for Ratio trend matrix
at start it was equal weighted but as & when it progress it changes its weightes
#Momentum #Dominators -Current year 32 % Return & From Entry it hit vertical count with 20 % Return
#AhmedabadNest #portfolio #nseindia #StockMarketindia
#FRONTLINE #Dominators Above 45 degree trendline-Bear trap-Open count looks strong performance from this stocks
#AhmedabadNest #portfolio #nseindia #StockMarket #india
yes much needed
20 Stock for next 15 days
all are in strong bullish trend
one can find pattern/breakout in charting methods and time frame of their comfert
use this list for intraday/swing/positional trading
#AhmedabadNest #momentum #Bullish #Universe #nseindia #StockMarketindia
all my momentum back portfolio are in buy mode
Below is the list of stocks with their current weight for referance purpose
Re balancing activity at every 15 days -next re balance on 15/09/2023
Equity curve Trading Edge is the key
#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #StockMarket #analysis
Bullish Scenario
on close above 19485-19500 keep sl 19250-19200 on closing basis ascending triangle can lead toward 20250
Dont play with Greed -Fear-Ego play with Price structure with favourable Risk rewards
#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #stockmarkets #analysis #pattern #bullish
#Nifty #bullish or #bearish ?
Two pattern at same time
Bullish-close above 19600 will have ascending triangle breakout can lead to 20300 with sl 19300
Bearish-close below 19300 will activate Head & Shoulder pattern can lead towards 18600 sl 19500
Hope both #Bulls & #Bears camp happy now
without beaing biased to view play with levels
#AhmedabadNest #Nifty #analysis #technical #StockMarket #India #pattern
@AP @Prashant-Shah
Since mid of 2020 i am using the Definedge Desk Top & Zone when i joined AhmedabadNest ,last year when Launched Securities at the event of Ahmedabad slowly i shift to Definedge Securities for my Trading -specially Nifty Spread under the guidance of @AP sir
now Definedge has come with exiting Independence Day Offer with much cheaper price for DMAT account holder & the amount paid for software will be adjusted againt the brokerage which is win win for users like me -so i just renewed the Securities DeskTop & RZONE for one year
i again thank you @Prashant-Shah sir @Definedge Team for creating such good software /Study at much affordable Price
Thanks and Regards
NishshKumar Jaani
Re balance & Performance Update 14/08/2023
Nifty 500 -0.18 %
Momentum 15 + 3%
Add CyientMomentum Dominators +1.59 %
No re balance Required
Rest all other Portfolios are in sell mode so no Re balance Update
Edge is the key Equity Curve Trading
if you missed the list of stock then attaching in image
in case any query/question e mail on [email protected]
#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #StockMarketindia #DataAnalytics #trading #analysis
sharp correction below 19300 towards 18800-18700
choice is yours give it H&S / Rounding Top Pattern
why anticipating this move ? as my market timing model is in overbought zone and need some cool off
This correction will not affect larger structure infact this is just Thrawback to the breakout point which
in longer structure i am not in Bears camp
#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #pattern #analysis #StockMarketindia
Re balance & Peformance Update
Nifty 500 -0.34%
Value Rotational + 0.71
Exit HeroMoto/Maha Scooter
Add IRFC/ICRAMomentum Dominators -1.37%
Exit EquitasBank/CholaFin
Add Kpittech/ZyduslifeMomentum 15 -1.1%
Exit PNB/EquitasBank
Add Poonawala/IDFCFIRSTBEdge is the key Equity Curve Trading
if you missed the list of stock then attaching in image
in case any query/question e mail on [email protected]
#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #StockMarketindia #DataAnalytics #trading #analysis
Ascending Traingle formation
let it breakout up or downside that will give direction to indian equity market
#AhmedabadNest #USDINR #Currency #trading #india
Focused Momentum Portfolio Update
After generating 12.44% return now this portfolio is giving Double Bottom sell signal
no further portfolio stocks will be shared till fresh buy signal comes
#AhmedabadNest #Focused #momentum #nseindia #stockmarkets
Value Dominators Portfolio Update
After DTB now in DBS so exit is the strategy
no portfolio stock will be shared till further breakout
#AhmedabadNest #ValueInvesting #dominators #portfolio #NSE #StockMarket #india
my market timing model is in overbought zone expecting correction towards 19200-18800 that will help to cool of the model and will give another opportunity to participate in next big rally
#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #StockMarket #India #analysis #correction #retracement
Booked out KOTAKALPHA BEES at 32.42 entry was at 26.15 on 25/4/2023 with gain of 24 %
#AhmedabadNest #nseindia #StockMarketindia
weekly charts with some channels
#AhmedabadNest #analysis #technical
10 stock Equal Weighted #portfolio
For AUG 2023 to July 2024
No re balancing till JUly 2024
one can plot own chart on
Currently in DTB buy pattern with SL 3.20%
Amibroker to get own signals
#AhmedabadNest #NSE #StockMarket #trading
Add levels in anchor support resistance
New feature request
New feature request
Give option to select and display only choosen window
#NIFTY-will history repeat again ?
Feature Request
ADD BETA in lower panel
Need detailed video on This table
Ultimate Matrix And BETA Role
Ultimate Matrix And BETA Role
Look back period in VCP templete
Nifty optimistic view 29000!
How to know when to start or stop the momentum trading strategies?
End of Horny bull market ?
is Horny Bull Market Born ?
Laidback Strategy - Stock List
Death of Long only Momentum Portfolio Strategy ?
NIFTY 50 Fractle to lead all time high ?
NIFTY 50 Support Zone 23500-23200
NTPC-Bullish ABC
SHRIRAM FIN -Turtle Bullish Breakout
ADD SUM Chart option in P&F Fusion Matrix
Dynamic Ultimate Matrix
Congestion Index
Renko Chart Swing Bullish continuation condition in scanner
ADD SUM chart Option
ADD SUM chart Option
GOLDBEES/Nifty 500-Ratio Chart Breakout
GOLDBEES/Nifty 500-Ratio Chart Breakout
Denomintor Selection in Desktop version
Denomintor Selection in Desktop version
Nifty Spot Probable H&S
Renko Fusion Matrix
P&L Insight
IPCALAB-T 20 Pattern breakout
P&L Insight
GOLD MCX-Repeting Pattern ! GOLD USD-Pattern Breakout
Query on Long Term Portoflio based on Sharp Ratio
GOLDBEES/Nifty 500-Ratio Chart Breakout
Gold Glitters, Nifty Fizzles - Breakout on the Ratio chart
Ratio chart of GOLDBEES/NIFTY 500
Index Re balanced
Index Re balanced
Index Re balanced
R GD-> Market timing Model
Levels Based on VIX
R GD-> Market timing Model
Add Sum In P&F -RENKO in ZONE
Levels Based on VIX
Dedicated Telegram Channel On VGM -Value Growth Momentum
GOLDBEES/Nifty 500-Ratio Chart Breakout
ADD RENKO RS in Multi chart scanner
Add Study Option In TOI-OPSTRA
Bull-Bear Momentum Indicator-Turn Bearish
R GD-> Market timing Model
Market Trend & Your System Analysis
Silver towards 121000
Add Look back period in Radar while in scan of Market cap based scanner
Nifty Bank -> Be careful
Failure of Inv H&S in Nifty ?
Add MACD in TOI-Total Open Interest
R GD-> Market timing Model
R GD-> Market timing Model
R GD-> Market timing Model
VGM Stock list for March 2024 to 10 April 2024
Nifty PVT Bank-H&S ?
Important question for Every trader-> Initial capital Requirment
Snapshot of March 2024 Portfolio
Ratio chart of GOLDBEES/NIFTY 500
Ratio Rank indicator VS Capture Ratio
Add From InRatio Rank indicator
Conterian Indicator R GD flashed Exit Mode
Conterian Indicator R GD flashed Exit Mode
Add Fusion Matrix in Renko
Are you a trend follower ? if yes then this post is for you
How to Draw exat Support and Resistance line in ZONE
Need Additional intraday data
add all study in weighted avaerage index
Exact Levels in Horizontal Line
An answer Where to invest
Exact Levels in Horizontal Line
#VGM-Trading & Investing | #EDECNOCH2021
#VGM-Trading & Investing | #EDECNOCH2021
Add Mutual Fund in Position Sizing Calculator
P&F -RENKO Chart related
#VGM #Paytm
#VGM #Paytm
Snapshot of February 2024 Portfolio
Quarterly Re Balanced Portfolio Series
#VGM #Hindunilever
Distribution activity !
Distribution activity !
Distribution activity !
Nifty Spot
How to check data older than 3 months on 1 min chart in Rzone?
Snapshot of January 2024 Portfolio
Portfolio for 2024
Increase No of Bars in Ratio Trend Matrix
Mutual Fund Ratio Trend Matrix-not showing proper calculation
Mutual Fund Ratio Trend Matrix-not showing proper calculation
Add Mutual Fund in Position Sizing Calculator
Suggestion in ALPHA-BETA Scanner
Multi denominators RS
Welcome to the Team Mr. Brijesh Bhatia!

BackTesting-Export facility
Ultimate Matrix Look Period Related-Give Direct date landing & Increase the period
Save Option in Back Testing Feature
ADD RENKO RS in Multi chart scanner
ALERT -Pullback Complete ?
#SPX -LT LB Formation
Pattern observation Analysis
Nifty Bank & Nifty analysis
PMOX Related
add fresh button in Renko RS Scanner like P&F
PMOX Related
PMOX Related
Asian Paints -Ratio chart analysis
Asian Paints -Ratio chart analysis
Nifty 500
Fake News Low is getting broken
Fake News Low is getting broken
Nifty-bear attack ?
Nifty-bear attack ?
Nifty Alpha 50-Bull trap or Euphoric move ?
Holding Company Stocks
Zone App Universe Related
Power Portfolio RS & Price Analysis
Power Portfolio RS & Price Analysis
Power Portfolio RS & Price Analysis
Power Portfolio RS & Price Analysis
Momentum Dominator Portfolio ->Bearish Anchor Follow thru
Scanner Related Query
Weighted Average Index
Validity of Bearish Divergence
Ratio chart problem
Ratios I use to Scan stocks on Radar to identify strong Fundamental companies
#Nifty (Trendline + 50 EMA )
#Nifty (Trendline + 50 EMA )
P&F RS chart against Mutual fund are not plotting since few days
#Nifty 5% Correction ?
3 Dominators Portfolio given Exit Signal
#Nifty -Bull Trap?
82 Days Time Cycle for Nifty 50
RS analysis of Value Dominators VS Momentum Dominators
RS analysis of Value Dominators VS Momentum Dominators
Value Dominators Portfolio Analysis
Value Stock Rotational Portfolio Analysis
Value Stock Rotational Portfolio Analysis
Momentum 15 Portfolio
Re balance Update 18/09/2023
Momentum 15 Portfolio
How to find Lion Stocks
#Momentum #Dominators
#Momentum #Dominators
#FRONTLINE #Dominators
Outstanding positions in Rzone Backtest
20 Stock for next 15 days
6 Do It Your Self Portfolios are in Buy Mode
6 Do It Your Self Portfolios are in Buy Mode
6 Do It Your Self Portfolios are in Buy Mode
6 Do It Your Self Portfolios are in Buy Mode
#nifty50 Bullish Scenario
#Nifty #bullish or #bearish ?
Totally Shifted to Definedge Securities
Totally Shifted to Definedge Securities
Re balance & Performance Update 14/08/2023
Re balance & Peformance Update
Focused Momentum Portfolio Update
Value Dominators Portfolio Update
Nifty towards 19200-18800 ?
Booked 24 % in Current Rally
Portfolio For AUG 2023 to July 2024