@The Wealth Vriksh said in US S&P500 looks interesting:
US S&P500 (5859): Cluster of Open Counts (6073 - 6103)
Multiple Vertical Counts 6103 achieved.
Pro User
@The Wealth Vriksh said in US S&P500 looks interesting:
US S&P500 (5859): Cluster of Open Counts (6073 - 6103)
Multiple Vertical Counts 6103 achieved.
NASDAQ 100 .... everything under good shape
BITCOIN: swift 1,00,000 with #LeChhalaang #ExplosiveVCP
US S&P500 (5859): Cluster of Open Counts (6073 - 6103)
S&P500 (spot):
Smooth Trend 5500 >>> 5683 longs closed
Short started 5683....
Bitcoin - USD : 57105 »»» 60640
चल SUPER #LeChhalaang with #ExplosiveVCP
S&P500 (spot): 5500 »»» 5636
चल #LeChhalaang
with #ExplosiveVCP
"The smooth trend is expected to continue after this formation."
S&P500 (spot) 5min-0.05%: Smooth Trend
S&P500 (spot) 5min-0.05%: Bullish Broadening Pattern : This shows that the instrument was volatile and breakout traders were trapped. The smooth trend is expected to continue after this formation.
S&P500 (spot) 5min-0.05%: NO DTB came and resumption of downtrend sell-off as predicted
can we get Alert Triggers Order (ATO) feature??
like ALERT happens on SYMBOL and trade happens on any SYMBOL Future or Options
@Definedge @Prashant-Shah
US S&P500 ...45deg Trendline broken and Follow-Through came.... and now, new upside open counts
Prakash Tejwani,
NYKAA 196.35 #ExplosiveVCP
initially SL will be on 1min (recent low), as the trade moves in your favour ... trail the SL on 1day timeframe.
IEX 197.87 looks interesting
NOCIL 310 .... looks interesting
Booked 50% Profit in HUDCO @ 319.60 - Bought @ 285.10 (+12.10%)
चल #LeChhalaang
with #ExplosiveVCP
HUDCO looks good at 285
@Neha Pandey require few studies in ZONE and RZONE, which are already present in Tradepoint
Booked Full in AXISBANK Fut @ 1175.10 - bought @ 1131.15
चल #LeChhalaang
with #ExplosiveVCP
AXISBANK @ 1138 #ExplosiveVCP
CARBORUNIV 1305.5 »»» 1688.45 +29.33%
चल #LeChhalaang with #ExplosiveVCP
More Info on #ExplosiveVCP at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E0OAw5p6Lc
Require X and O count Highest in last n column in ZONE and RZONE scanner, which are already present in Tradepoint Desktop.
@Neha-Pandey @Definedge
IONEXCHANG 567.40 #ExplosiveVCP
@Kaustav Das on Opstra, only Live and Historic Line TOI is available. Renko TOI is available only LIVE (no Historic TOI) on Tradepoint Desktop.
I traded BAJAJ-AUTO with newly build system.... and did the same mistake (जो मिला, ले लो) as shared in the https://forum.definedgesecurities.com/topic/1667/trading-psychology-you-are-the-fund-house-prashant-shah-definedge video by @Prashant-Shah Sir....
I, individually, had burnt my fingers badly in 2020... then from June 2020 ~ Feb 2023 gathered small funds.... started newly in Feb 2023 with freshly developed #ExplosiveVCP and market also gave good support... reached around 80% returns in 8months (Sep 2023) with good cautiously risk management... , now in February 2024, I was +90% ... just +10% in next 5months... This is the SHADOW P&L.
Disc: We are from Middle Class Family. Never had financial crunches in a Family.
After 2020, always have some family (worried for me... which is good) questioning .... "How much you made last month? Have you lost again?" Or may be its our schooling, society mentality to have some growth monetary every month... KEEP GROWING GROWING GROWING in this competitive world or you are failure. People judge you from your monthly/quarterly/yearly P&L not from your processes (as they are not part of your process)... and being part of society, we also start judging ourselves from P&L... are we growing, are we doing correct things??
We as a trader knows all trading system have some purple patches period for many reasons...
HAVE TO OUTPERFORM CONSTANTLY from market/other people moneywise is wrong approach in trading or in life.
It should be OUTPERFORM, GROW minutely 1%~2% (सूक्ष्म) from our own-self in process and to have approach कर्म कर, फल की इच्छा मत कर
Comments, suggestions or any hacks like "YOU ARE THE FUND HOUSE" to tackle trading psychology are always welcome.
IREDA 154.80 #ExplosiveVCP
@Shireesh-Joshi Can you please share in which Month - Year, VBL was made part of NIFTY FMCG Index?
NavkarCorp #ExplosiveVCP
A link to create a single group of all NSE Scrips https://radar.definedgesecurities.com/newScanner?searchQuery=Price%253E0.01
A link to create a single group of NSE Scrips with MarketCap above 300 https://radar.definedgesecurities.com/newScanner?searchQuery=Price%253E0.01%2520AND%250AMarket%2520Cap%253E300 (last 300 is MarketCap limit change as per your need)
To get a group in ZONE, RZone.... click on 'Save As Group'
AVANTIFEED 521 »»» 570 +9.4%
चल #LeChhalaang with #ExplosiveVCP
VOLTAS 800 »»» 1095.95 +36.99%
@Neha Pandey Thank You So Much
@Prashant-Shah Sir... Can we get individual Time Frame and Look-Back Period .... for Condition1, Condition2, Conditon3, Condition4 in Candlestick, P&F, Renko, P&F RS.... across all Multi-timeframe Scanners?
@Definedge @Neha-Pandey
VOLTAS 800 »»» 1021.9 +27.74%
चल #LeChhalaang with #ExplosiveVCP
@Vishwanath Nagaraj RZONE doesn't have Realtime scanner, yes it has LIVE scanners.... means moment you run scanner.... it will give you live results... it doesn't auto-refresh....
TRADEPOINT has Realtime scanner facility, where you select group, strategy, Frequency.... it will auto run at every min/hour frequency you selected.
NIFTY IT 30993.05 »»» 35782.45 +15.45%
चल #LeChhalaang with #ExplosiveVCP
@Harjjap Singh Ssaini 1 and 2 and not(3)
not can be only used in RZONE, not in Tradepoint Desktop
GSFC 188.80 looks interesting on charts.....
Thank you for providing a feature and shortcut 'E' to hide/show toolbar in P&F charts
If we also get Timeframe - Box - Rev Box in Tradepoint Title after Chart Type - Scrip Name, it would be great. And that would appear in Title and in Windows menu.
Where there is NEUTRAL zone... in Multi-timeframe Scanner ⇒ PMOX Multi-timeframe Scanner, to know weather its Bullish or Bearish zone... you can scan XO Zone (10) from Table ⇒ Indicator Value Table. If the value is above 0 then Bullish zone and below < 0, its Bearish Zone.
NIFTY #ExplosiveVCP - Bearish
waiting for selling signal
Top-class TOP done....
चल #LeChhalaang
with #ExplosiveVCP
@SUMIT DAS Almost similar kind request also made previously
Need revamp of Tradepoint Desktop EXE like Different Main Tabs, Sub Tabs in Main Tab and Different Charts in Sub Tabs
whereas our Tradepoint gets cluttered with charts....
and can't fit 3-4 Realtime scanners for what Tradepoint Desktop EXE meant for.
Though we have Zone + RZone web browser based platform where we can have Different Main + Sub Tabs and we can open Different Layouts in single Tab, if we get Realtime/Auto Scanner it may fulfill above requirements of Desktop EXE.
S&P500 4100: Project Targets 9826 ~ 20573 SL 3780
S&P 500 #ExplosiveVCP
good move only close above 4385
#ExplosiveVCP (LONGTERM Multibagger from NIFTY 500 index) ... as I said in March '23 .... entry is as per your favourite pattern / indicator
@Sumit-Badwandi @Kaushik-Akiwatkar @SUMIT-DAS above stocks might qualify for LONGTERM Mutlibagger...
INDIAMART: चल #LeChhalaang for 21,000 with #ExplosiveVCP
in Definedge Securities's Tradepoint Desktop Terminal ... pressing 'E' on Renko, OHLC charts.... hides toolbar... so we get extra space on charts.... but in P&F charts, its not working... earlier it was available in Definedge Solutions's Tradepoint Desktop.
US S&P 500:
Both Bearish counts achieved.
Setup: Bearish, price below moving average.
@Nishshkumar Jaani,CFTe Multi Chart Scanner might help you
Create two different scanner
Renko Scanner... Brick 1 below SuperTrend; Brick 0 above SuperTrend
P&F Scanner... Column 1 below SuperTrend; Column 0 above SuperTrend
In above charts, we can
Change Colour on clicking Coloured Squared
Hide/Show lines
Move the mouse pointer to get values of particular date.
Multiple Stock Performance and Multiple Ratio Performance
In this release, Definedge have introduced two new features: Multiple Stock Performance and Multiple Ratio Performance. These features are designed to provide you with a comprehensive view of the selected scrip group.
Multiple Stock Performance: With this, you can now track and compare the performance of multiple scrips of the selected group on a single screen.
RZone -> Ready Reports -> Multiple Stock Performance
Multiple Ratio Performance: This feature enables you to select a specific group of scrips and compare their performance against a chosen index or scrip. The charts generated are ratio charts. Each line on these charts represents the ratio of a scrip to the selected denominator.
RZone -> Ready Reports -> Multiple Ratio Performance
@Sachchida Nand Gupta Add or Import Group in RZone Group Manager.
You can create watchlist from RZone Groups and its also accessible in Chart Controller.
go to Tools -> Sector Analysis or https://radar.definedgesecurities.com/sector-view/1?paginationDisabled=false
Select your sector from drop down menu at Top Left side... (below Radar Logo)
suppose you select IT - Software... it will display all MktCaps... Large, Mid, Small, Micro....
you will reach at url https://radar.definedgesecurities.com/sector-view/65?paginationDisabled=false
just add this at the end of the url
... its nothing but &search=mcap<50000+AND+mcap>500 , one can change as per needs...
Voila... its Your MidSmallMicro IT sector is ready
See Also: How to make Cash Groups as per MktCap for Zone, RZone from Radar
go to https://radar.definedgesecurities.com/newScanner
Run Scanner Query
this Query will create list of scrip with all MktCap and Price above 10.
Click Save As Group to get group in Zone, RZone.
(if you want list for Tradepoint, click Export to download list in CSV format.)
Run Scanner Query
Price>10 AND
Market Cap>2500 AND
Market Cap<50000
change above parameters as per your grouping needs...
CHENNPETRO SL 504 triggered -3%
@Kiran Wadaskar Not yet.... heard its in pipeline
in Tradepoint Desktop, Chart -> Multi Ratio Performance
first create group of your preferred sectors, indices
.... score/reading above 100 means outperformance vs. Denominator and vice-a-versa....
@Nishshkumar-Jaani Get MF historic NAV from https://www.amfiindia.com/net-asset-value/nav-history
Thanks to @Deepakk-Chabria
So, I have to make my own stock options list with more filter and ready to import
I found on Maruti Oct 10600 CE and PE in Stock Options Liquid (Next Month) when it was 10556.65 on 26th Sep 2023? I think its ATM.
What about other MARUTI Oct options, which were active like 10700, 10800, 11000 on 26th Sep?
Do both and check...
@Tapan Jani Select a Homepage from user settings
ChennePetro looks good @ 519.40... #FastnFurious
in Zone, suppose, we have layout with 4 charts.... all charts have different timeframes.... I want to load single scrip in all charts.... we can use "Show in All Charts" tick box.
Booked RITES @ 556.25 and 524 - entered @ 479.65
SL 1140 triggered.... happy to leave
Strong Sector vs Weaker Sector in current bullish rally
Is market top in the making ?!?!?
New Features in Zone / RZone web
• Basket Order
• Apply to All Charts
• Addition of Heatmaps
• Expiry Selection in Open Interest Build-Up
• 2 New Conditions for Saving Groups in P&F Fusion Matrix
• Moving Average Integration in ADX Indicator
• ADX Indicator System Builder Conditions (for Avg)
• 75 Minutes Timeframe Updated, automatically begin at 9:15
Can we have 1,3,5,10,15,30,60,75,120 minute timeframe in Tools -> Indicator Value?
@Neha-Pandey @Definedge
BOMDYEING 117 »»» 168.60 +51.6 +44.10%
SJVN 57.45 »»» 73 +27.07%
चल #LeChhalaang
with #ExplosiveVCP
हमारा देश, हमारा नाम
एक भारत, श्रेष्ठ भारत
BDL 1211 ...looks good
भारत Dynamics Ltd
Industrials → Aerospace & Defense Equipments
OLECTRA... previous #LeChhalaang with #ExplosiveVCP
OLECTRA.. in technicals, we say "history repeats itself
OLECTRA has started its journey from 1160...
VOLTAS 800 »»» 902 +12.75%
चल #LeChhalaang with #ExplosiveVCP
BOMDYEING 117 »»» 151 +34 +29.05%
SJVN 57.45 »»» 67.35 +17.23%
chal #LeChhalaang
with #ExplosiveVCP
inching up... KEC 649 »»» 685 +5.55%
@Shashank Jain You can watch video of the above at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E0OAw5p6Lc
chal #LeChhalaang with #ExplosiveVCP
SJVN 57.45 »»» 63.4 +10.36%
chal #LeChhalaang with #ExplosiveVCP
neXT mover... RITES 480 looks good with #ExplosiveVCP
after GMDCLTD's success.... new follower..... same Pattern same Gujarat
GNFC 566 looks good with #ExplosiveVCP
in Tradepoint Securities... pressing 'E' on Renko, OHLC charts.... hides toolbar... so we can get extra space on charts.... but in P&F charts.... its not working... earlier it was available in Tradepoint Solutions
@Definedge @Neha-Pandey
TCS stopped out @ 3488 .... waiting for re-entry
GALLANTT looks good with... #ExplosiveVCP
KEC #ExplosiveVCP
INDIA NIFTY 50 / US S&P500 (Ratio Chart).... #ExplosiveVCP
choose your investment country wisely
S&P500 in correction mode
Last hope, untill few more down box (4332) below 1st 45° Trendline.
RITCO moved to Trade-to-Trade.... entered and exited at cost-to-cost.
TCS looks good with #ExplosiveVCP
NIFTY IT benefited sector from USDINR #ExplosiveVCP https://forum.definedgesecurities.com/topic/509 .... also have #ExplosiveVCP
USDINR #ExplosiveVCP
SJVN #ExplosiveVCP
MBAPL #ExplosiveVCP
NIFTY... giving good breakout #ExplosiveVCP
VOLTAS 800.... Double #ExplosiveVCP
KPITTECH entered long @ 1080
RITCO on radar #ExplosiveVCP
NIFTY #ExplosiveVCP #LePanga.... longer timeframe
NIFTY 50 from 17160 (SL 16951) »»» 19646
R:R 1:12 in index
NIFTY #ExplosiveVCP
...waiting for confirmation
LT new high 2673.85
#LePanga #ExplosiveVCP
LT #LePanga #ExplosiveVCP
BPCL ...ready to fire
LT ... coming out of consolidation... to move higher
ICICIBank 935 ..... #ExplosiveVCP #ProbableABC
Short term Delivery MAHSEAMLES 485.40
@prasiddh-shroff-definedge-com @Definedge On Strategy Buzzar, after clicking "Select Strategy" »»»selecting 15th-16th Strategy Name ... Screen goes blank. I think some scrolling issues...
@Definedge is Strategy Buzzar working for P&F cash stocks? Below Buzzar was set around 10days ago... nothing triggered yet.
INDIAMART 5651 >>> 5869
#LePanga #ExplosiveVCP #ProbableABC
ITC #ExplosiveVCP #ProbableABC looking for long above DTB 446.72...
NIFTY 18630
ProbableABC Daily 0.25%