Commodity: - NATURAL GAS
Bullish ABC above 317, DBS at 312.35
I have Back Tested Natural Gas past 1 Year Data both on 1-Min & Daily TF.
Number indicates, Trade Efficiency on 1-min TF increases when initiating trades in the direction of higher TF (Daily) Trend and Bullish/Bearish Trades when price in column of X or O respectively.
Looks Interesting above 320 with an of SL 316
Bullish Turtle FT @ 322 will be interesting with 318.5 as SL.
View Negated
Bullish Turtle FT will be Interesting and looks like above 321 pick momentum.
Bullish Turtle FT above 317 looks interesting.
Looks interesting below 306
Charts in Hindsight looks beautiful and easier to trade. However, trade after recent range breakout proves fruitful.
Bullish Turtle FT on Price Chart and Bullish Turtle FT on RS.
Looks interesting above 330 and SL 324.
Turtle FT below D-Smart when RSI Avg. Sustain Below 50.
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On Comparing manual Backtest test summary of Pullback and Breakout systems. It was found that there was no significant difference in the results. Hence, learnt that Focus should be on Execution. It is important, to materialize gains in actual.
I'll be Observing Charts with newly learnt concept of observing RSI with Trend and RSI Range Shift
Accept the Pros & Cons of the trading system and stick to it. This will reward in long term.
Carrying short CE...but momentum is missing.
In a hindsight, trend looks smooth and easier to ride. My system has experienced many whipsaws during this trending move, time to fine tune the system so to reduce number of trades by limiting frequent exits.